Couples Counseling
Why are we...
Getting stuck in the same patterns?
Distant or lonely when we used to be so close?
Having the same fight over again?
Not communicating like we used to?
Conflict is natural and occurs even in the best relationships. Happy and unhappy couples even argue about the same topics - the difference is they argue differently and achieve different resolution. When conflict grows to overshadow the good in a relationship, many couples wonder if they made the wrong choice in their partner. Couples counseling with an effective therapist helps couples to learn HOW they fight, and what are productive and unproductive ways to communicate and resolve conflicts. Because every individual and couple is different, I practice a personalized approach with couples, so that they are best able to meet one another's needs.
Couples counseling can help you…
Re-connect and strengthen your bond
Improve communication and conflict management
Learn how to better support and meet one another’s needs
Restore trust and confidence in the relationship
1. Is it too late for us to change?
How we communicate and argue can become entrenched habits, just like any other behavior we've continued for so many years. Like any other habit, how we relate to our partners can be difficult to change without conscious effort and awareness. But also like any other habit, change becomes easier the more we practice.
2. Are we just too different for each other?
Every relationship will have differences, whether they are differences in lifestyle, personality, religion, political beliefs, or values. Research shows that 69% of the things couples argue about are actually irreconcilable differences - that is, they will never go away (Gottman, 2015). Similar to conflict, HOW we manage those differences is often more important than what those differences are. Differences can also strengthen and enrich a relationship, as partners bring different perspectives, skills, and backgrounds to the relationship.
3. Did we make a mistake?
When conflicts emerge, as they inevitably will, it can be easy to wonder if our partners are "wrong" for us. Although it may be true that you may not have the same conflict if you were with a different partner, it is certainly likely that you will have other conflicts. My approach to couples counseling is to help partners learn how to approach conflict differently, based on their unique needs, communication styles, and past experiences. Rather than tear us apart, conflict can strengthen bonds and increase understanding and connection.
Couples counseling can be helpful at any stage in a relationship, whether you've been together for just a few years or have been married for 20 years. It is natural to be nervous or have questions. Please feel free to schedule an initial consultation, where we can talk in more depth about the counseling and see if we may be a good fit.